A webinar on the biblical and psychological approach to overcoming emotional injuries to be a strong leader in difficult times.
On-Demand Webinar
From  1st  to  10th JULY 2021
A Healthy Mind Healthy Leader !
Free Registration and Webinar Link
Extended till 10th July 2021
Live Untill...
A Healthy Mind, A Healthy Leader!
Dr. Henry Cloud
Life during the pandemic has been more stressful for ordinary people as well as professionals and also created more fear and anxiety among adults and children. However, there are certain actions that are necessary to curtail the negative impacts of COVID-19. Coping with stress in a healthy way will make you, the people you care about, and your community stronger.
This online webinar aims to provide the right approach and several tips and tricks to overcoming breakdowns, healing emotional injuries, and building a healthy mind for leaders.
Register now to learn from the world’s renowned Coach and Consultant Dr. Henry Cloud who will share his learnings from the recent research and give practical tips to overcome the mental Health Challenges.
It is an ‘on demand’ 1-hour webinar that will be available for all to watch ‘any time of your convenience from 1st to 8th of July!!!
Our Session Core Highlights
Dr. Henry Cloud will share his learnings from the recent research and give practical tips to overcome the mental Health Challenges. Dr.Henry will advise on actions that are necessary to curtail the negative impacts of COVID-19. Coping with stress in a healthy way will make you, the people you care about, and your community stronger.
Overcoming Breakdowns
How can a leader overcome breakdowns?
Healing Emotional Injuries
How do you as a leader deal with emotional injuries?
Building A Healthy Mind
How can leaders build a healthy mind?
Ready To See What's Next?
GLS Plus sessions are a series of "Value Add" Webinars designed to equip and encourage you and your team to lead. These webinars feature some of the very best speakers from the GLS and are made available between the year and the GLS event, specifically to encourage, motivate, and as well to address any given relevant topics of discussion in that period.
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